Fire department, Gold Rush Days 2016
SACRAMENTO, 5 Sep 2016; The men and horses of the fire brigade, Gold Rush Days in Old Sacramento, California. Celebrating the history of the town on Labor Day Weekend.
Photo ID: HR-Street-GoldRush-4Sep2016-2915
Created: September 04, 2016
Author: Alison Toon
Alison Toon
Photo size: 16.5 Mpixels (47.3 MB uncompressed) - 4982x3321 pixels (16.6x11.1 in / 42.2x28.1 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: Alison Toon, Alison Toon Photographer, all rights reserved, American, Americana, California, Cameras and Cargos, celebration, copyright, fire, fire brigade, fire department, firemen, gold rush, Gold Rush Days, history, holiday, Old Sacramento, Sacramento, Toon's Tunes, western, wild west